Zoom Starter Workshops for Ecological Medicine
The Workshop course manual is Ecological Medicine - The Antidote to Big Pharma and Fast Foods
Important Note
Dr Myhill delivers these ONLINE workshops herself. She is always in attendance and leads all sessions.
I have got to the stage where the initial work-up to treat CFS/ME is standard and well covered in our books. What I need to do now is to show people how to go about self-management ie to teach people how to heal themselves. My job is to give you the “Tools of the Trade” and the “Rules of the Game” so you can become your own healer.
How the day will work
(I think – this will change as we learn how to do this most efficiently)
- I will provide all participants with a management plan which provides you with the overall strategy. This will link to chapters in my books - so it is clear where you can find further background on each subject. This will allow you to develop your personal management plan. I will send the management plans electronically onto participants before the workshop - so you will know what to expect. Some choose to print the management plan off so that they can write things down as I am talking.
- The idea is that by the end of the day each participant will have their own personalised plan for recovery. I hope this will be a largely tick box exercise.
- If you have had any tests done, then please send the results as an email attachment to me at My Office Email Address (office@doctormyhill.co.uk) and I will go through them on the day. These must be received by me 48 hours before your chosen workshop event. It is impossible for me to comment on these amongst the group without giving away your identity.
- if you send them to me you are giving me implicit permission to share them with other members of the group. Please give such permission in your email.
- if you do want me to interpret these tests with complete confidentially then you will have to send them to me privately, clearly mark as “private and I am prepared to pay” and I will give you prior warning of the charge for my time to interpret them .
- My standard interpretation of tests is in my book Ecological Medicine - The Antidote to Big Pharma and Fast Foods - you can buy this book from My books page on my Sales Website.
- At 9.30am you need to be sitting in front of your computer in a comfy chair, with pen and management plan, an empty bladder and a drink!
How the meeting will happen with Zoom
- Once you have booked in on your chosen Workshop One of my secretaries will send you an email containing an invitation and link to join the meeting. (Please ensure you check your spam/junk folder for receipt of this invitation and link).
You do not have to sign up with Zoom for this to work (I have signed up and paid for this).
- Just click on the link and that gets you into the “meeting room”. A password will be provided. THEN you should be able to see me and hear me. Initially we will introduce ourselves.
- So once we have greeted and waved and are happily in the front seats, please MUTE the microphone. You can do this on a toolbar which is at the bottom left hand corner of your screen.
- I will start talking as soon as everyone can hear me!
- The next tricky bit is avoiding us all talking at the same time because then no-one can hear anything!
- If you wish to say something to all others in the room then click on the CHAT box – this is on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. This opens a box to the right which records the chats. You can type in your message in the bottom right hand corner.
- If you wish to ask a question, wave your hand at me. Do not wait until I stop talking (no chance of that!). I will immediately stop so that you can put an oral question or comment to me and’/or the group.
- If at any point you get lost or misunderstand – wave at me! It is not good if I lose you on the way!
- I will record the meeting and send you a link to this.
- I will be in the “Zoom Meeting Room” by 9.30am, greet you all, and will commence talking when you are all happy that you can hear me. I shall not wait for late comers!
- I will start with the overall strategy, move on to symptoms based on what you, the participants, describe. I shall explain what they mean (mechanisms) and move on to treatments.
- 12.30pm - we will break for lunch.
- 2.00pm - we will resume as above.
- Aim to finish by 4.00pm but I will continue until everyone is happy (Nancy knows exactly when it is 4pm and time for her afternoon walkies).
What I expect from attendees
- I am running these workshops to teach strategy. Getting well is a “game” – I can teach you the rules of the game but you have to play it yourself with all the resources you can muster. I cannot micro-manage each attendee! I shall not be doing any private consultation with individuals. But you will pick up much by listening to the individual case histories and test interpretations and fill in your own management plan as we go on.
- I can show you where and how to access tests and laboratories at Natural Health Worldwide Lab Tests Page . Details of how to interpret these are in our book, Ecological Medicine - The Antidote to Big Pharma and Fast Foods
- Zoom participants are reminded that subsequently they could perhaps sign up to Natural Health Worldwide where they can find further help from experienced patients, qualified health professionals and medical doctors who are accepting new patients.
- Also, I would expect any practitioners who attend one of these workshops to sign up to Natural Health Worldwide. It is totally free and here is the link to register - Natural Health Worldwide Practitioner Register Page
How I can help you subsequently
- Test interpretations – if you wish me to interpret your tests then please send me the tests and I will estimate how long this will take and how much that would cost you and give you due warning, so you can agree to this or not.
- Please also send me any diagnoses you already have, your age, sex, past or present occupation, energy score ( Bell Ability scale) BMI, pulse rate and blood pressure.
- If you wish me to interpret your tests or history, please state that you are happy to communicate with me by email without using encryption.
Syllabus and Management Frame for use during the Workshop
I am constantly updating these documents, and so I will send out the most up to date versions to delegates once they have booked.
Facebook Group
Please go to Dr Myhill's Workshops Facebook Group and send a join request. No 'Page' requests please - only individual profiles.
Linked Articles
External Links
- My Sales Website Workshops Page
- Natural Health Worldwide
- Natural Health Worldwide Lab Tests Page
- Natural Health Worldwide Practitioner Register Page
- Dr Myhill's Workshops Facebook Group
My books
- My book Ecological Medicine - The Antidote to Big Pharma and Fast Foods
- My books page on my Sales Website
- "Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS and ME - it's mitochondria, not hypochondria!"
- "The Infection Game - life is an arms race"
- "My book - Paleo-Ketogenic: The Why and The How"
My YouTubes and Podcasts
Please see these links to access my YouTubes and Podcasts
My Online Community
Please join my online community -
Sarah Myhill Limited :: Registered in England and Wales :: Registration No. 4545198
Registered Office: Upper Weston, Llangunllo, Knighton, Powys, Wales LD7 1SL, UK.
Tel 01547 550331 | Fax 01547 550339