Minerals and vitamins delivered through the skin

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I have the following products on my Sales Website for delivering minerals and vitamins through the skin -


Vitamins and minerals have traditionally been given by mouth in the form of pills or powders. However, there is no doubt that some people are made worse by this. There are several possible explanations for this but the two most likely will be allergy and the fermenting gut (instead of a digesting one). Bacteria and yeast are as hungry for trace elements and vitamins as we are and will gratefully accept such a free lunch, multiply up their numbers and ferment even harder! When foods are fermented instead of being digested, this can produce all sorts of noxious products such as alcohol, D-lactate, hydrogen sulphide and probably others, all of which overload the liver detox system and have the potential to inhibit mitochondria and cause foggy brain symptoms. See Fermentation in the gut and CFS and also Diet, Detox and Die-off Reactions Expect to get worse

So, ideally SORT THE FERMENTING GUT but in the meantime.....

To get round this problem I have put together some transdermal preparations to be sprayed onto the skin. A key ingredient is DMSO - this passes through skin like a knife through butter and carries through all dissolved within it. DMSO is a naturally occurring organic sulphur containing molecule, derived from tree bark and closely reltaed to MSM (a useful treatment for arthritis). See Dimethyl sulfoxide on Wikipedia.

In fact DMSO has many other useful properties - see Dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) – another multitasking, inexpensive, safe and effective tool

Minerals and vitamins delivered through the skin via baths and sprays

One way to get round this potential problem with supplements by mouth is to take these supplements through the skin. Of course, this makes perfect sense – the skin is permeable, spa therapies have been of proven benefit over thousands of years and, indeed, many drugs are delivered as patches through the skin. So there is no reason why supplements should not be equally well absorbed.

See also Transdermal micronutrients

Epsom salts in the bath

Indeed, a study done by Rosemary Waring at Birmingham showed that Epsom salts in the bath was a very efficient way of raising levels of magnesium in the blood. She did trials with people looking at the absorption of Epsom salts in bath water. A 15 minute bath at 40ºC with a 1% solution of Epsom Salts caused significant rises in plasma magnesium and sulphate levels together with an increase in magnesium excretion in the urine. To achieve a 1% solution, a standard UK bath of 15 gallons requires 600grams, (just over a 1lb) of Epson Salts. The water should feel slightly soapy. In this experiment there were no adverse effects, indeed 2 of the volunteers who were over 60 years of age commented without prompting that their rheumatic pains had disappeared. See Absorption of magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts) across the skin, 2004, Epsom Salt Council.

Epsom salts in the bath not only improve absorption of magnesium, but they are also a useful way of detoxing persistent organic pollutants back through the skin again. Do not be afraid to use soap which breaks down the lipid barrier of the skin and should improve movement of magnesium in and chemicals out.

Transdermal (TD) minerals spray

(Transdermal Mineral Spray 250ml)
A unique mix of minerals in an organic carrier to ensure excellent absorption through skin. One spray shot delivers 0.2ml of TM containing the following elemental weights of mineral:

  • Magnesium 14mg
  • Zinc 1.2mg
  • Iron 600mcg
  • Boron 400mcg
  • Iodine 60mcg
  • Copper 40mcg
  • Manganese 40mcg
  • Molybdenum 8mcg
  • Selenium 40mcg
  • Chromium 8mcg
  • Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) 200mcg

The daily dose is 10 spray shots per 4 stone (25kg) of body weight, up to a maximum of 25 spray shots daily, enough for a 10 stone (or 64 kg) person. To be sprayed all over the body after a daily shower or bath. Allow to dry for a few minutes, if necessary rubbing into the skin gently. TM must be applied to clean skin, free from chemicals including perfumes and cosmetics.

Weight Daily Dose
2 stone (13kg) 5 spray shots once daily
4 stone (25kg) 10 spray shots once daily
6 stone (38kg) 15 spray shots once daily
8 stone (51kg) 20 spray shots once daily
10 stone (64kg) 25 spray shots once daily

MAXIMUM DAILY DOSE More than 10 stone (64kg) - 25 spray shots.

Transdermal (TD) magnesium spray

( Transdermal Magnesium Chloride Spray 250ml )
Contains one gram of magnesium chloride per ml (100mgs of elemental magnesium). To be used in any condition where magnesium may be helpful. Clinically this seems to be especially useful for muscle pain or spasm.

Transdermal (TD) vitamin B12 spray

( Transdermal B12 Spray 50ml )
Contains 5mg of B12 (as methylcobalamin) per ml (5 sprays).

A good alternative for my CFS/ME patients

For many of my CFS/ME patients, these preparations prove as effective as injected magnesium and B12. See also :

Supplements delivered via aqueous cream or water

Another way to get minerals and water soluble vitamins onto and through the skin is using aqueous cream, or if you dislike using the cream via water. Simply mix the daily dose of minerals, water soluble vitamins (all the B vitamins and vitamin C) with just enough warm water to dissolve them. You need surprisingly little! Apply with a sponge all over the body. Initially there is an oily feel because the magnesium chloride in the Multi Mineral Mix is hygroscopic (i.e., it absorbs moisture from the air) and so the skin feels a bit sticky as it dries, but soon enough it dries.

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Registered Office: Upper Weston, Llangunllo, Knighton, Powys, Wales LD7 1SL, UK. Tel 01547 550331 | Fax 01547 550339