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Fatigue is the commonest symptom experienced by people and the worst treated symptom by conventional medicine. This is why this section is so large! Chronic fatigue syndrome is a particularly severe form of fatigue, but everyone, including trained athletes, can improve their energy levels, performance and efficiency by applying the principles in this section.
As we age we all develop fatigue - again applying all these principles helps us to slow the normal ageing process.
- As always the starting point is The general approach to maintaining and restoring good health.
- The bolt on extras for fatigue include diet and fermenting gut (fuel in the tank), sleep (regular service time), mitochondrial function (the engine of your car), hypothyroidism (the accelerater pedal) adrenal function (the gear box), detoxing (catalytic converter and exhaust pipe), methylation cycle (tool box) Edge Effect (driver of the car) etc.
- People often ask me what are their chances of recovery - see Pattern of Recovery from CFS/ME
- A new page has been set up called Useful aids for CFS and ME sufferers. The title is self-explanatory. If you would like to share your good experience with an aid or gadget, please let me know and I will add it to the list.
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Pages in category ‘Fatigue’
The following 140 pages are in this category, out of 140 total.
- CFS - can be caused by chronic infection
- CFS - my book "Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"
- CFS - The Central Cause: Mitochondrial Failure
- CFS - The Methylation Cycle
- CFS Ability Scale - a rough measure of how disabled you are
- CFS and Adrenal gland problems - why they occur
- CFS and Anaesthetics
- CFS and ME - Psychological or Physical?
- CFS and Pregnancy
- CFS Checklist - start off and check your treatment regime here
- CFS or depression - what are the differences
- CFS/ME - my book Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis
- CFS/ME Protocol - order of introduction of interventions
- CFS/ME support organisations
- Chaos Theory and CFS/ME recovery paths
- Chlorine Dioxide - a useful antifungal
- Chronic Fungal Infection as a cause of disease: the toxicity of mycotoxins
- Chronic infection – Life is an arms race – how to tackle with natural remedies
- Chronic infections in CFS
- Chronic inflammation: stealth infections – principles of diagnosis – which tests to do
- Chronic viral presence in CFS/ME
- Co-enzyme Q10 in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- College of Naturopathic Medicine - Outstanding Contribution Award 2022
- Common Hormonal Problems in CFS - Adrenal
- Commonly used blood tests and what they mean
- Conducting the CFS orchestra How to put yourself in charge
- D-ribose
- Dental Problems and CFS
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalitis and Long-Covid (3rd Edition)
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalitis and Long-Covid 3rd Edition
- Diet of low fermentable substrate
- Diet, Detox and Die-off Reactions Expect to get worse
- Dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) – another multitasking, inexpensive, safe and effective tool
- Do A Good Chemical Clean-Up: chemicals make you fat and fatigued
- Dr Cheney on heart function
- Drugs in the treatment of CFS - always start with tiny doses
- False Allegations of Child Abuse in Cases of Childhood Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) – essential reading if you are a parent caring for a child with CFS/ME
- Fermentation in the gut and CFS
- Fibromyalgia - possible causes and implications for treatment
- Food allergies - a common cause of lots of symptoms, including fatigue
- Getting enough rest - an essential part of managing CFS
- Getting State Benefits
- Graded Exercise Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy as treatments for CFS and ME
- Groundhog ACUTE - put in place at the first sign of any infection
- Groundhog BASIC – what we should all be doing all the time
- Groundhog CHRONIC – the starting point to treat any chronic infection AND to live to our full potential
- Magnesium - treating a deficiency
- Magnesium and B12 injections - what to do if you get better with them?
- Magnesium and B12 Injections - what to do if your GP refuses to give
- Magnesium by injection - the only way to guarantee getting magnesium levels up in the body
- Magnesium by nebuliser
- Magnesium Per Rectum
- Managing Energy Levels In CFS - systems analysis approach
- Medical Abuse In ME Sufferers
- Medical Abuse In ME Sufferers (MAIMES)
- Metabolic inflexibility
- Methylene Blue - clinical uses
- My book "The PK Cookbook - Go Paleo-ketogenic and get the best of both worlds"
- My book - Sustainable Medicine - Whistle-blowing on 21st century medical practice
- My book - The Energy Equation - from The Naked Ape to The Knackered Ape
- My Book - The Underactive Thyroid - Do it yourself because your doctor won't
- My book Ecological Medicine - The Antidote to Big Pharma and Fast Foods
- My book The Infection Game - life is an arms race
- My book The PK Cookbook - Go Paleo-ketogenic and get the best of both worlds
- My YouTubes
- Patent foramen ovale as a cause of fatigue
- Pattern of Recovery from CFS/ME
- Peoples Book Prize 2016
- Plastic Rose Syndrome - psychological aspects of allergy
- Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and the vagus nerve
- Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome or POTs
- Practitioners of Ecological (Allergy, Environmental, Nutritional) Medicine
- Practitioners trained to treat CFS
- Psychological aspects of treating CFS and ME
- Reply to Lawson Paper
- Reply to Lawson Paper on "Elevated Energy Production" in CFS patients
- Reprogram the immune system with micro-immunotherapy
- Reprogramming the brain in CFS/ME
- Reprogramming the Immune System – where conventional and complementary medicine can come together
- Response to the paper 'Assessing cellular energy dysfunction in CFS/ME using a commercially available laboratory test' by Cara Tomas et al
- Retroviruses in CFS/ME
- Tests to investigate CFS
- The Energy Equation Audio Book Files
- The Paleo Ketogenic Diet - meals which require no cooking or preparation
- The Paleo Ketogenic Diet - PK Bread
- The Paleo Ketogenic Diet - PK Dairy
- The Paleo Ketogenic Diet - this is a diet which we all should follow
- Toxic causes of CFS - the more I ask, the more I find!
- Turtles all the way down - vaccine science and myth