Lipid profile - cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood

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Test Details for Ordering
Test Lipid profile - Cholesterol and tryglicerides in the blood
Laboratory TDL
Price £62.50
Sample required blood
To order this test, please, go to Ordering Tests.

Please, make sure you have read When not to use this website to ascertain whether having this test is an appropriate and safe course of action for you.



Patients are now frequently offered a test of blood cholesterol level and triglycerides. This normally just measures total cholesterol. However, for a more detailed breakdown of the good fats and the bad fats, you also need HDL cholesterol (good fat) and LDL cholesterol (bad fat). The Lipid Profile includes all three measurements as well as triglycerides.


Blood sample


Gold topped blood sample tube, addressed envelope, Lab request form


  • Make arrangements to have a blood sample taken
  • Make sure that your name, date of birth and date sample taken are correctly entered on the blood tube
  • Make sure all the necessary details are correct on the laboratory request form.
  • Post the samples in the packaging provided making sure that the laboratory request form is enclosed with the samples.
  • Do not post the sample on a Friday.

Please, note that there is an interpretation fee for my letter to your GP. See Ordering Tests for more details.